A diver swollen with nitrogen bags?

A diver swollen with nitrogen bags?

It happened 4 years ago. Alejandro, a seafood fisherman, was doing his work more than 30m deep. He suffered a free flow in one of his hoses and direct ascent – unfortunately too fast. The ascent caused decompressive illness. “I did not die, but I swelled!”, says...
Buoyancy Session 5 – Take Control of your Buoyancy

Buoyancy Session 5 – Take Control of your Buoyancy

In our previous Buoyancy Sessions you have learned to dive proper weighted, to perform a controlled descent and to adjust your weight in such a way that, by now, your trim must be beautiful. If you have achieved all this, you should have noticed a considerable...
Important – Suunto Product Recall

Important – Suunto Product Recall

SUUNTO WIRELESS TANK PRESSURE TRANSMITTER AND SUUNTO TANK POD Suunto has just released a warning for all the users of all Suunto and Suunto Tank PODs wireless pressure transmitters. All the owners of a Suunto or Tank POD wireless pressure transmitter are required to...
17 Amazing Facts About Octopuses You Can’t Miss

17 Amazing Facts About Octopuses You Can’t Miss

The Octopus. A very strange creature. No bones and eight legs. For centuries the sailors have looked down at the deep seas with fear. Fear of meeting horrible creatures. Many stories were written about giant octopuses lurking in the depths and attacking unwary sailors...
Be An Ocean Gardener 1 – Respect The Garden

Be An Ocean Gardener 1 – Respect The Garden

Our oceans suffer. We are loosing their underwater wonders. More and more the number of their inhabitants vanishes as if, pursued by a curse, nothing could be done to avoid a fateful destiny. Some Organizations state that without a change, in 2050 the oceans will be...
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