THE STORY OF JOHN SMITH… John Smith is the manager of an insurance company. He discovered diving few years ago...

Jan 2, 2022 | All Posts, All about Diving
THE STORY OF JOHN SMITH… John Smith is the manager of an insurance company. He discovered diving few years ago...
Jan 15, 2020 | All Posts, All about Diving, Tec Diving
There is a moment in the life of every diver when the word “cave” appears. Some divers say they will never practice...
Jan 15, 2020 | All Posts, All about Diving
What is the biggest step you can take to improve as a diver? Basically, the biggest change occurs the day you stop...
Dec 19, 2019 | All Posts, All about Diving
Throughout my career I have been asked often: “which is the biggest danger of Scuba Diving?”. Curiously, one of the...
Dec 14, 2019 | All Posts, All about Diving
There are a few facts that most divers know. Facts such as SCUBA stands for Self Contained Underwater Breathing...
Dec 12, 2019 | All Posts, All about Diving
One of the biggest concerns almost every diver has is the air consumption . Many times, already in the Open water...
Dec 11, 2019 | All Posts, All about Diving
Nitrogen Narcosis, a word we hear constantly in the conversations of divers. It seems to be the source of many...
Dec 6, 2019 | All Posts, All about Diving
You are a very good instructor… …something almost any diver can identify is how many different styles of teaching dive...