The Importance of Medical Fitness in Scuba Diving

The Importance of Medical Fitness in Scuba Diving

The Importance of Medical Fitness in Scuba Diving Getting ready for your next dive trip? Are you fit to dive? Scuba diving is an exhilarating activity that offers a unique opportunity to explore underwater worlds exploring stunning marine life and beautiful...
Weights vs. Buoyancy Control

Weights vs. Buoyancy Control

Weights vs. Buoyancy Control Finally, the day has arrived—your long-awaited holiday begins. After eagerly anticipating this trip, you’ve arrived in a tropical country, ready with your diving gear. The guide approaches and asks you, “How many weights do you need?” You...
Most Important Scuba Diving Abbreviations & Acronyms

Most Important Scuba Diving Abbreviations & Acronyms

When becoming a dive professional, apart of diving, there is a lot of theory to study. No matter how experienced you are, there will always come the day that you learn something you did not know yet, or you forgot already. In diving we often use abbreviations &...
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