by Scuba Legends
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Be An Ocean Gardener 1 – Respect The Garden

Our oceans suffer. We are loosing their underwater wonders. More and more the number of their inhabitants vanishes as if, pursued by a curse, nothing could be done to avoid a fateful destiny. Some Organizations state that without a change, in 2050 the oceans will be...

The amazing parrot fish

A white sand beach merges with a turquoise sea on a dreamy sunset. Where does all this beautiful, soft, white sand come from? In tropical and subtropical areas one of the main suppliers of sand is neither Neptune nor a beached mermaid, but it is the...

7 Tips to Remain Near Fish

Did it ever happen to you that you approached a fish and it ran away as if the devil was after it? The excitement of being close to the fantastic beings that inhabit the oceans can not be compared to any other sensation in life. We all agree in one thing, it is not...

Diving Between Immortals

The search for the secret of endless youth has been one of the biggest crusades amongst history. For centuries it tortured the souls of emperors, dictators, great thinkers and scientists. Nowadays, the question “Is there a source of eternal youth? ” seems close to be...

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