by Scuba Legends
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Diving Between Immortals

The search for the secret of endless youth has been one of the biggest crusades amongst history. For centuries it tortured the souls of emperors, dictators, great thinkers and scientists. Nowadays, the question “Is there a source of eternal youth? ” seems close to be...

The Biggest Danger Of Scuba Diving

Throughout my career I have been asked often: “which is the biggest danger of Scuba Diving?”. Curiously, one of the main reasons why people do not try diving is the illogical fear of sharks (check 15 scuba diving facts you most probably don’t know). Far from what my...

One Good Reason To Pee Into Your Suit

There are two kind of divers: the ones that pee into their suit and the ones that lie about it. Some articles state the disadvantages of peeing while diving, but today, we are going to support those brave ones that openly recognise that they actually pee into their...

15 Curious Scuba Diving Facts You Most Probably Don’t Know

There are a few facts that most divers know. Facts such as SCUBA stands for Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus or that the inventor of Scuba was Jacques-Yves Cousteau. But there are some others that might be a bit more unknown in the diving world. Have a...

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